Shemini Atzeres and Simchas Torah Youth Guidelines
Shemini Atzeres (Shabbos) and Simchas Torah (Motzei Shabbos):
Simchas Torah (Sunday morning):
- Children under the age of 10 are not allowed in the shul building.
- Children above the age of ten and teens may attend shul. However, no socializing in the hallways or classrooms is allowed.
Simchas Torah (Sunday morning):
- Children will be invited into the shul building for kol hanearim and a small program on the morning of Simchat Torah. Every child needs to remain with their parent/s at all times. Parents need to be equally cooperative and keep their children with them as we transition from outdoors into the shul building, and then outdoors again.
- The gym will be left open as a waiting area before Kol Hanearim. Parents must supervise their children.
- Children will not be allowed into the shul building until Simchat Torah davening concludes at around 10:30am, and we will send a representative from the shul building to bring the children inside with the parent/s that bring them to shul.
- In order to keep this as orderly as possible, we are only allowing children, together with their parent/s, into the beit midrash through the two sets of doors that open directly to the fields behind the shul. Please wait outside only those doors.
- Upon entering the main Beis Midrash, please find a spot socially distant from others, and remain there for the duration of the program. Parents should remain together with their children.
- Kol Hanearim will take place under each father’s tallis, socially distant from others.
- After kol hanearim we are asking each family to sit down in place and remain there for the program. Those who wish to leave at that time should leave from the closest exit.
- After the parsha program, we will ask families to stand up one at a time and go to the designated exit where a member of the Youth Committee will be giving out goody bags to the children in attendance. At that point there will be no reentry into the shul.
- Keep in mind that in the event of rain, the rules above still apply. Kids and their parents will still have to remain outdoors (seek the patio for coverage) and upon conclusion of the program we will still be requiring that everyone exit the building in a timely and orderly manner.